Opening A Marijuana Dispensary? How To Ring Up Purchases

When you open a marijuana dispensary, you need to keep tight records of purchases made. This includes medical marijuana, even though medical marijuana is rung up a little differently. It is a good idea to learn how to manage these transactions so that you do not get into any sort of legal trouble and have your dispensary shut down before it even gets going. The following tips will help you learn what you need to know. 

Medical Marijuana "Sales" 

Medical marijuana laws are set by the state. For example, your state may only allow two ounces per week, per person. To ring up this "purchase," you have to enter the patient's medical marijuana card number, and the amount he/she is taking from the dispensary. If it is covered by health insurance, you will also need to see the patient's insurance card so that you can record who to bill, and for what. If the marijuana is not covered by insurance, then you can ring it up as a "sale," but only after you have received/seen the medical marijuana card and recorded it in a separate binder for medical marijuana sales for that week. That keeps that patient from returning and trying to purchase more from your dispensary, which in turn keeps you from any legal trouble. 

Recreational Marijuana Sales

Even though many states have made recreational marijuana legal, you still cannot sell more than what the state laws allow. A separate record is needed for all of these sales so that you can prevent excess sales to the same individuals over the course of a week. Amounts are limited to either weekly allotments or daily allotments, and they should be recorded. To help with your sales of both recreational and medical marijuana, you might want to consider investing in dispensary POS software and a tablet or laptop for your "register." 

POS Software Tailored to Dispensaries

Not surprisingly, after all of the legalization of marijuana in different states and in different forms, point-of-sale software that was tailor-made for dispensaries began to emerge. If you intend to use a tablet or laptop computer to manage and record transactions, then you should also invest in this software. It will help streamline all of your dispensary's transactions and then help you keep proper records in the correct virtual binders. It also makes it a lot easier to show state dispensary inspectors your records when they come for inspection. 

Contact a company like Foottraffik today to learn more. 
